Vote for the Planet Playbook

Yay! Thank you for finding this playbook! 

If you’re here, it means you are vibing with energy and determination around the 2024 Presidential election. We are, too! We also know how uncomfortable and challenging it can be to talk about politics, especially within a professional field that aims to be neutral and objective.

The Vote for the Planet Playbook contains a set of pre-crafted social media messages you can use to encourage friends, colleagues, members, and followers to vote in the upcoming election. Breaking our silence about politics and voting helps make it socially safer, and more fun, for everyone to do. 

By relying on a shared passion for protecting the planet, these messages can transform environmental commitments into a powerful, visible movement that inspires our networks to vote for a planet-friendly future.

Access the Google Doc Playbook here.

Download the Word Doc Playbook here.

Please read the quick “how to” section on the first page of the Playbook to get started.

Thank you for joining the Vote For The Planet movement! #Vote4ThePlanet

Playbook How-To Video: Week #1

Playbook How-To Video: Week #2