Motivate Action and Change Workshop

Build your team’s capacity to motivate action and change for the planet!

To protect our planet, we need people to rally behind environmental actions and adopt more sustainable behaviors. Yet motivating people to get up and do something feels increasingly difficult to achieve.

So, what separates those initiatives that “take off” from those that can’t seem to get off the ground?

It comes down to understanding why people don’t do things, what motivates them to take action, and how we can use those insights in our communication and outreach efforts.

My half-day workshop teaches your team to apply behavioral insights and effective communication strategies to motivate people to take action today for a better tomorrow.

Workshop Format

The “Motivate Action & Change” workshop introduces participants to foundational elements of effective behavior change communications and includes activities to practice applying core concepts to existing programs.

Learning objectives: By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:
» Clarify the behaviors they’re asking audiences to adopt.
» Conduct a simple segmentation of their audiences.
» Identify top barriers to behavior change and brainstorm solutions.
» Select motivators and message frames that drive action.
» Write motivating and compelling messages.

Workshop Logistics: 
» Standard workshops are 3.5 hours long.
» Online workshops can accommodate up to 60 participants.
» In-person workshops are best suited for 12 – 30 participants.
» Participants can come from different organizations and work on various projects.
» Team-based strategy sessions can be added to the format.

Workshops are available in both online and in-person formats!

Workshops are designed with adults in mind.

This means they are interactive, interesting, challenging, and fun.

Participants can expect a healthy mix of presentations, individual processing time, small group work, energizers, and larger group discussion and feedback.

All participants receive worksheets to facilitate the capacity-building process and additional resources to access online.

Workshop agendas include time for brief introductions, energizers, breaks, Q&A, guided discussion and learning reflections, report-outs,
and feedback.

  • Sample Agenda


    • Clarifying Behaviors
      • Getting specific about what we’re asking people to do and how to revise our behavior goals accordingly.
    • Identifying Audiences
      • Identifying and defining the project’s minimum viable audience through segmentation.
    • Understanding Barriers & Deterrents
      • Reviewing the top five barriers preventing audiences from taking action.

    • Diffusion of Innovation Theory
      • Learning the theory and how it helps define audiences and scale change.
    • Exploring Motivators
      • Reviewing the top four motivator categories that spark and maintain new behaviors.
    • Choosing Images & Channels
      • Selecting images and channels that best support the message.
    • Bringing it All Together
      • Lightning round of writing messages.

Organizations hosting Motivating Action & Change workshops:

Keeping Forests.

Maine Sea-Run Fish Coalition.

Montgomery County, Maryland.

New England Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies.

NOAA Fisheries.

U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service.

U.S. Forest Service.

WWF Baltic Sea Region.

About the Trainer

Brooke Tully has been training non-profit organizations and local governments to use behavior change marketing in their conservation programs for 15 years. Trainees from all over the world have successfully applied these approaches to tackle complex environmental challenges.

Brooke’s workshops and courses are designed to be highly practical so participants can begin designing more effective communication and outreach materials immediately.

She does this by distilling theories and concepts from the behavioral and social sciences, extracting the most relevant best practices from the commercial advertising industry, and keeping it all connected to the on-the-ground realities of implementing conservation programs.

Since January 2019, Brooke has trained over 600 participants in the fundamental techniques of using behavioral insights and communication strategies to motivate action and change for the environment. Participants have come from hundreds of organizations, including NOAA Fisheries, IFAW, WWF, Wildlife Conservation Society, FAO, USFWS, and TRAFFIC.