Thank you for joining the Motivating Action and Change workshop!

I’m so glad you joined my workshop on motivating action and change for the environment. Here are supplemental resources and reference materials to keep the fun going.


Download the workbook

The supplemental workbook provides step-by-step instructions to apply behavioral insights and communication strategies to your outreach project. Included in the workbook is a messaging checklist to evaluate if your outreach messages follow best practices.

Dive into the reference materials

DYNAMIC NORMS: Knowing that others are trying to do something new and different can shape our own behaviors.

DIFFUSION OF INNOVATION: This Nature Sustainability article explores how conservation initiatives go to scale and how far they usually make it up the diffusion curve.

WHY DON’T AWARENESS AND ATTITUDE SHIFTS LEAD TO ACTION? Two articles in the Stanford Social Innovation Review, written by the same authors, showcase multiple reasons why achieving behavior change takes more (and different) approaches than awareness and attitude shifts.

Both articles include a number of case study examples and cited research papers.

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Take the refresher quiz to see how well you remember core concepts from the workshop.

Take it to the next level

If you’re hungry for more hands-on learning and doing, then check out my working sessions and the 8-week Making Moves online course.