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Gamification is MUCH more than badges, points, and leaderboards. Learn how to apply an audience-first gamified program....

When items or experiences are scarce, people desire them more. This post covers ethical ways to use this B.S. tool in our work....

Choice architecture influences our choices, and there is no such thing as neutral design! Learn how to use this tool for sustainability....

Feedback loops give audiences real-time information about their behaviors and what to do next. Learn how to design them for your project....

Why do we believe that our personal views differ from everyone else? Pluralistic ignorance shows us that we think more alike than we think....

Why do we listen to doctors, bosses, officers, and teachers when they tell us to do things? We're socially wired to do so!...

Why do some smells, sights, and stimuli influence our decisions and dispositions? Well, it may be because they primed us to act in a certain way....

Yay, the audience has taken action! So, we're done, right??? Not so fast. Providing a post-action reward keeps the audience engaged and doing more....

We've extended an invitation to join our efforts and engaged the audience in a deeper conversation. Now, it's time to make the ask!...

Why do we wait until the start of a new week, month, or year to create new habits? Because it gives us a fresh start! ...

Providing too many options to choose from overwhelms the audience and leads to indecision and inaction. Learn how to simplify the choice....

Why do we let past investments in time and effort (a.k.a. sunk costs) cloud our decisions to press forward with a behavior or project? ...

Fluency shortcuts are statements that are easier to understand and sound pleasing to the ear, which increases trust, affinity & confidence....

People react negatively to being told what they must or can't do, which is called the reactance effect. Preventing this from happening is key....

Smokey Bear first came on the scene in 1944 to remind us that "Only YOU can prevent forest fires." Where are they now?...

D.A.R.E. officers first entered classrooms in 1983 to prevent kids from doing drugs and joining gangs. Where are they now?...

The Got Milk? milk-mustache campaign ran for 20 years and is widely known and loved. But where are they now? Read on to find out....

The gaming industry is growing rapidly, and so is the intersection between gaming and environmentalism. See how you can stay ahead of the curve....

Gen Z is turning their anxiety into action, pressuring and influencing all of us to do more and do better. Here is how we can meet their rising expect...

You successfully launched the petition. Maybe it meets the goal, maybe it doesn't. Either way, do you have a plan for what comes next? Use this post t...

We process pictures much faster than we process words, and we remember those images for far longer. Yet not all images produce the desired results....

We make plenty of decisions today, in the present moment, but not all of them benefit our future selves. Learn how we can close that gap....

Explore why repeated exposure to concepts and behaviors increases our familiarity and comfort with adopting change....

Explore why we value items and projects more when we've helped build them and feel a sense of ownership over them....

We want Californians to take shorter showers during times of drought. Which motivator works best: making it easy to do or impactful? Find out inside!...

We want younger generations to push their government representatives to take climate action. Which motivator works best: self-efficacy or making it fu...

If fictional stories help us create the future, then what do we create when fiction doesn’t write a future for it? It's time to rewrite and retell b...

Once we're successful at changing behavior, we may still have work to do. Achieving lasting change means rethinking our timelines and planning to be i...

Let's consider all the positive shifts that can happen if we change our starting point from "we need people to change" to "we need to HELP people chan...

Do all jobs IN conservation and sustainability require a degree IN conservation or sustainability? It's time to rethink these job requirements....

It's time to rethink our traditional ways of doing conservation and sustainability work and create change from within. This first post in the "Rethink...

What gets our audience started on adopting a new behavior will not be enough to sustain their momentum. We need to use different strategies for differ...

Leading with love means we channel empathy for our audiences and design behavior change programs with them front-of-mind. This should impact everythin...

Problem trees can be incredibly useful and insightful, but beware of the trap of trying to match one solution for each problem! Not only will it overw...

Why is setting goals in January so popular to do? One reason is because these milestones in time make it easier to commit to doing something new. Anot...

Get audiences more engaged and excited about sustainability by infusing fun into what you're asking them to do. I share two ways of making actions mor...

In many of our programs we host online and in-person events to engage and expand our audiences. But now it's time for the hard part: getting people to...

Audiences expect greater transparency and real-ness from the brands they support and follow. It's time to turn your brand inside-out by showcasing pas...

"Isn't this manipulating the audience??" Many of us receive this question after explaining how behavioral science and psychology can help motivate peo...

Laggards are the hardest segment to reach and its typically not worth the effort. But what if your leader sits in the laggard category??? Then it's ti...

While it's important to spend time making our messages clear, actionable, and motivating, we can't forget to consider how we want those messages to so...

When we claim that people don't take action because they're "lazy", then we dismiss their ability to change. Which is a disservice to our audience, ou...

I'm beginning to feel like the press isn't on our side in preventing conservation misinformation. In fact, they're likely a big contributor to our cha...

A data privacy movement is underway and I'm opting in by turning cookies off. Will you and your organization join me? ...

Using social norm messages, like descriptive norms, can provide behavioral cues for our audience. But, it's not as simple as just telling our audience...

This is my second installment of pandemic musings, or "pandemusings", with a set of reflections on what it takes to create and communicate change. ...

This past year left me with a set of reflections on what it takes to create and communicate change. This is what I'm calling my pandemic musings, or m...

It was challenging for a lot of orgs to quickly pivot when the pandemic hit, yet we don't have to get caught off-guard by new trends. Here are ways to...

With demographics becoming more fluid and less indicative of behavior patterns, it's important to lead with psychographics when segmenting audiences. ...

We could spend all our time convincing our audiences to take action for the reasons WE think they should. But that's the long route and it's an ineffe...

The Diffusion of Innovation Theory sparks many questions about the world around us. One of those being: how do we know if an idea will become a trend ...

Rather than spend our efforts making our audience feel shame, let's use those resources to direct them towards choices, habits and actions that will h...

Beyond the question of whether fear works or not to motivate action, I wonder if it's an approach we SHOULD use. Head inside for thoughts on how using...

Veruca Salt wants to see results now! When this happens, we have to resist the pressure to produce short-term results that don't deliver on our long-t...

Clean air, clean water, healthy soil that produces healthy foods. These are things we can ALL get behind, even climate skeptics. It's time to move bey...

I know it feels like it's our audience. Because we need everyone to adopt more sustainable behaviors right away. But can YOUR organization create chan...

What are you asking people to do? While this may sounds simple, it can be surprisingly difficult to answer in a way that is clear, specific and action...

Working on environmental and social issues requires optimism, believing in change, persistence and determination. And it can be f'ing exhausting! Buil...

Purpose is everywhere these days. But what does it mean for conservation organizations who are already doing good in the world? Well, it doesn't mean ...

Rihanna and the Fenty Effect are setting new standards for diversity & inclusion, which WILL impact consumer expectations of conservation & environmen...