Yay, the audience has taken action! So, we're done, right??? Not so fast. Providing a post-action reward keeps the audience engaged and doing more....

We've extended an invitation to join our efforts and engaged the audience in a deeper conversation. Now, it's time to make the ask!...

Why do we wait until the start of a new week, month, or year to create new habits? Because it gives us a fresh start! ...

Providing too many options to choose from overwhelms the audience and leads to indecision and inaction. Learn how to simplify the choice....

Why do we let past investments in time and effort (a.k.a. sunk costs) cloud our decisions to press forward with a behavior or project? ...

Fluency shortcuts are statements that are easier to understand and sound pleasing to the ear, which increases trust, affinity & confidence....

People react negatively to being told what they must or can't do, which is called the reactance effect. Preventing this from happening is key....