Have you heard of Headspace? It’s a meditation app co-founded by a former Buddhist monk and boasts over 20 million users. How about Talkspace? It’s an app that matches you with an online therapist you can reach out to whenever you need. This app has over...

The digital age has given consumers unprecedented access to immediate, and often unfiltered, information about companies, governments, and nonprofits. We can now peek behind the curtain and look at finances, CEO pay scales, environmental and societal costs of a product, internal cultures, and more....

We all tend to be pretty focused on the Millennial generation, but what about the generation after them? Those born between 1995 and 2012 known as Gen Z or the iGen. What do we know about them and how they prefer to receive information??? Well,...

The concept of scarcity has been used a lot in the behavioral economics and marketing worlds, especially since the release of the book Scarcity in 2013. Yet there are two sides to this same term that describe different behaviors and reactions. It’s important to know...

In most cases, knowledge is not needed as a precursor to behavior - but that doesn't mean there aren't important roles for knowledge to play. Check out the two key moments when knowledge can help audiences sustain new behaviors....

Behavior change doesn't have to mean culture change, which can be a concern for international conservationists working in community-based programs. The movie Moana can teach us many important lessons on how to successfully connect the two....

Even when we believe we are lone sheep, there is daily proof that we're heavily influenced by the herd around us - even when they're strangers....

Over the course of my career I have only resigned from a handful of jobs. But once, I did experience resigning from two jobs within the span of 4 months. Which means I had the pleasure of going online multiple times to research best practices...

Sometimes influencers are actual members of the community who are respected, well-regarded, and looked-up-to. Such as a village elder, a local “mother hen”, or someone charismatic who is great at bringing people together. And sometimes…the influencer is created and manufactured....